I'm Annie Blake

Hypnotherapist and Mind Coach.

Empowering women in business to overcome procrastination and perfectionism, reduce anxiety, manage ADHD, and heal from trauma.

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Overcoming Mindset Blocks and Technical Challenges: My Journey Launching the Women in Business Challenge

March 29, 20233 min read

As a woman in business, I know first-hand the struggles and challenges that come with starting and growing a business. That's why I created the Women in Business Challenge, which aims to help entrepreneurs overcome obstacles and achieve success. But before I could launch this challenge, I had to overcome some mindset blocks and technical challenges myself.


Overcoming a Mindset Block: 

Have you ever found yourself going down the rabbit hole of self-diagnosis, questioning if there's something wrong with you? I have, especially when researching my niche. Recently, I stumbled upon two particular questions that hit close to home: "What groups of people or personalities are most likely to procrastinate?" and "Is procrastination a characteristic of a mental health condition?" 

As I delved deeper into my search, terms such as OCD and perfectionism came up, both of which I was officially diagnosed with years ago and thankfully overcame through cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). However, as I continued my search, I discovered that depression, anxiety, and ADHD were also commonly associated with procrastination. I used to think ADHD was only for hyperactive little boys, but I learned that it can affect anyone. In fact, I can relate to several of the symptoms since childhood, such as being easily distracted, having difficulty getting started on tasks, and struggling with disorganisation in time and space. If you're curious, I even found a helpful self-test you can take to learn more:

When I started my business, unexpected feelings and challenges arose, and imposter syndrome quickly became the most detrimental. I was constantly questioning myself: who am I to help others overcome challenges? Am I educated enough? Experienced enough? Good enough? 

In response, I would take another course, spending thousands of euros to become accredited and certified, hoping it would rid me of feeling like an imposter. But in the end, two things made a difference. Firstly, through hypnotherapy, I was able to let go of caring about what others might think or say about my business mission and brand identity. Secondly, I realised that within the memberships and courses I have taken, there are countless amazing women who are more educated, experienced, and qualified in psychotherapy than me, yet they too experience self-doubt. 

It was then that I accepted that gaining more credentials wasn't the answer. Instead, I needed to focus on the amazing women who will benefit from my skills and lived experiences today. If I'm not practicing and sharing my solutions, I'm doing them and possibly you a disservice every day. Have you considered the possibility that you might be holding yourself back and, in turn, keeping people from benefiting from your solutions? Think about it - could someone out there benefit from your knowledge and strategies for overcoming a problem?

animated gif of woman at laptop with several lines of the words launching soon waving on screen and a graphic of a rocket launching


Frustration of Learning a New Skill: 

Another challenge I faced was the technical side of launching the challenge. Learning a new system for hosting my online business was frustrating at times, but I was determined to figure it out. I wanted an all-in-one platform for a website, digital products, marketing and customer relationship management (CRM). Eventually, I found FEA Create, which helped me streamline the process and make everything more manageable. I want to share this resource with other women in business who may be struggling with technical challenges like I did. Technology is no longer a barrier to getting a business online. This isn’t an advert, I just believe the tools and ongoing support are invaluable so click to learn about FEA Create 14 Day Free Trial.

As a woman in business, I've learned that it's important to push through challenges and keep moving forward. The Women in Business Challenge is my way of helping other entrepreneurs do just that. I hope my story has inspired you to overcome your own challenges and pursue your dreams. Join me on this journey by signing up for the 21-day challenge today.


Join the Women in Business 21 Day Free Challenge by signing up at:

Next Wednesday, we'll delve into the emotion of vulnerability that comes with putting your ideas and your work out into the public domain. Stay tuned for a reflection on this important topic.

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I'm Annie Blake

Hypnotherapist and Mind Coach.

Empowering women in business to overcome procrastination and perfectionism, reduce anxiety,

manage ADHD, and heal from trauma.

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